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There are so many decisions that go into starting a business and one of those decisions is whether or not to be on social media. Many business owners are overwhelmed by social media because there are SO many things to consider and some rules seem daunting. But I’m here to tell you that although every business SHOULD be on social media, it doesn’t have to be scary! Continue reading to learn about 5 social media myths vs. facts. 


Myth #1 – There is One Perfect Time to Post That Works for All Businesses

Fact – We have all been told posting at set times will help your social media posts be more successful. While there is truth to this statement, there is not ONE time that will lead to success for everyone. Every industry is different and so are their audiences. Do not simply post on a specific day because you saw it online. This will only lead to frustration when it doesn’t work. We suggest looking at YOUR businesses’ individual platform insights to truly see results. It may take a little more work upfront, but this will show you the peak days and times when your audience is online. This is information that is always at your fingertips and if the peak days and times ever change, you can adjust in real time!

It is also important to remember that the success of your post is dependent on far more than just posting at a specific time. For example, the content within a post plays a large role in how well it performs. As well as which platform you are using. For example, LinkedIn is a more professional platform whereas Twitter is more relaxed. Therefore, not all content that does well on Twitter will do well on LinkedIn.


Myth #2 – You Have to Have Thousands of Followers to be Successful

Fact – Many people think if they don’t gain thousands of followers very quickly, their social media presence isn’t successful. But this is not true and discourages small business owners to have social media accounts. Having thousands of followers seems daunting, but it’s important to remember that not every business needs to be an “influencer”. As long as the followers you have are engaging with your content and you are reaching your target audience you are doing a great job! If you have a smaller following, you just want to make sure you are interacting with them on a regular basis because this helps them to trust your business. While having followers is a necessity and is a great sign that your business is doing well online, it is more important to have followers that engage with your business than having thousands of followers.


Myth #3 – You Have to Post Every Day

Fact – While posting on social media consistently is very important, this is another myth that makes business owners choose to not be on social media at all! Hearing that they need to post everyday while also running a business does not seem feasible. However, I’m here to tell you that you do NOT need to post everyday if you are unable to do so! You need to do whatever is manageable and attainable for you and your business. Focus on what you can do, and you’ll be more likely to stick to it. If you set outlandish goals and you don’t reach them, you’ll be more likely to completely stop all social media because you’ve become flustered and angry. It is more important to post high quality, engaging content a few times a week, than to post random content just because you think you must.


Myth #4 – Social Media is Free

Fact – Many people believe that social media is free. While the initial account setup may be free, there is a high chance that to see true success/engagement you will need to put some money in. Facebook (Meta) has stated that their algorithm pushes content they feel the viewer wants to see. So, if a person likes a post from a business and regularly engages with that business, they are more likely to see content from them in the future. However, if they don’t interact with a business consistently, Facebook will take that as a sign to stop showing the content from that business.

Business owners have been fighting with the algorithms for years. One way to combat these algorithms is by paying to boost a post or by creating social media Ads. While having to put money towards social media can be frustrating, it is the nature of the game and can truly benefit your business! Boosts will give your posts more reach, while Ads will help to convert views into sales.


Myth #5 – Social Media Pages Can Replace Your Website

Fact – We see this ALL the time. Business owners sometimes ONLY focus on social media and think they no longer need a website. This could not be further from the truth! Being on social media is very important but that does not negate the importance of having your own business website. Social media is constantly changing and you do not have complete control over what happens to your profile. Whereas, a website is something that you have control over and you can better represent your business and your services. You can also customize the site so that your potential customers have the best possible experience.

At the end of the day, do not get bogged down with the myths of social media. Focus on your business’s individual insights, creating high quality content, engaging with your audience, posting consistently, and having a user-friendly website that people can go to when they want to learn more about your business. Social media is supposed to be a fun way to interact with your customers and potential customers. So, have fun with it and show your audience what you and your business is all about!

Were you surprised by these social media myths vs. facts? Do you need help with social media or getting your business into the digital age? Contact us today https://gigstrategic.com/contact/ we’d love to help you!